Tuesday, September 23, 2008


ilhu successfully rips off both Ten In The Swear Jar and Piet Mondrian

my very private map Photobucket

yesterday was my birthday. i turned 22 on the 22nd.
i am enjoying being in my 20s despite the fact that i am awkward and unsavoury

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

first thing is last


as you all may or may not know
i'm an art school kid
21 years 356 days jerky
i really dislike what i make
so here is something that has grown on me in the past year [or so]
give me foxen, give me rabbits, give me saturn

clouds ii

Sunday, September 7, 2008


skin_close_up too close

closer i river closercloser bee beside me

sentinel close to home closer ice
connection acquired potential breakdown

42nd east closer

The Other Her