i printed my very first edition in lithography yesterday
i miss spending hours and hours and hours in studio
10 - 730 !!
i rolled up, etched, printed and cleaned
here is my stone ::

many works are in the process
:: pyramids for the animals
:: names of alleys // my very private map
:: men and women as lovers
:: knitting the tape of love
men and women as lovers isn't really art tho
it was only born out of the fact that i have been spending a lot of time laying about in bed with a demi stranger speaking and learning about a life
i wanted to conduct a social experiment in comparison to all my lovers / unlovers i have known but not very well. [please do not think that is the reason i become attached, tho it is good way to detach from another]
love is life is art
is it?
we go furthur than we've gone before

our [un]love is private
is it?

my eye is crooked
is it?

there is just something about attachment
my private feel i must share
my smut of clover

am i using this man?
i don't know how i feel about my selves
we are the one you are
that is the part of my life that is art

i am beginning to think i exist only in the plural
my selves
my loves
my lives
my love lives
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Se seu corpo ficasse marcado/ por lábios e mãos carinhosas/ eu saberia/ a quantos você pertencia/
naanan nanan nanan nannaaaaa
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