very many new things on the ilhu ranch! a change of traditions and wonderful things brought me a new computer [with open source photo editing software], and a brand new lens for Agamemnon! he is now wearing a macro nikkor 60 mm 1:2.8 g ed that i am loving! and with all new things, they take a lot of time getting used to. i took some photos this morning and *tried* editing them with seashore. ugh! what a nightmare. not that it is bad, but i am used to photoshop cs2 on a pc, and now i'm using this on a macbook. weeeeird. i'm having a lot of trouble finding the functions - like photo resize and i don't like the crop function. it doesn't have nearly as many of the functions as photoshop but luckily i only ever play with size, colour, contrast, levels, curves [don't think seashore has levels/curves functions]. my recent additions to flickr are out of whack - none of them are the same ratio or size or anything, but i am trying. please be patient with me. here are some in full season regalia!

i was so so so lucky to have retema come for a visit a few days ago [he is in mtl for only a few more days!!]. i took many many film photos in our historical desired condition. we lived in the forest. it is supposed to be this way. he took a photo of me.

now that i have all this fancy dance equipment, i would love to update more often on my artistic endeavours. i havent been unproductive - quite the opposite! i have been crocheting like a mad woman, so there will be much more. also i would like to set up my etsy shop and really start trying to do what i have been wanting. these things take time, so it's time for a butt kicking! flickr update :: pro account expires much too soon. help me fuel this all!!!!
ass kickery commencing NOW!
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